Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Kitchen & Repaint

Just two weeks before Christmas 2010, we decided to renovate our old kitchen. The old benchtop Formica laminate is peeling and the sink is old with the twin taps, the joints between the tiles at the sink is mouldy etc. The laminate was in 70s colour which i managed to paint over with an off-white colour but it just looks old and tired

After browsing a few kitchen display centres, we decided to settle for a economical upgrade from Zesta kitchen with a Caesar stone benchtops. Many places would not guarateed even starting work before Christmas as their workload is heavy.

The price of the cabinets and benchtop alone is about $10,000. We bought a new cooktop from Martin which he bought on Graysonline auction at 40% of rec. retail.  Most other appliances like the rangehood and the 900wide St George Stainless Steel oven we re-used as they are quite new. Most people will spent an average of $20k for a new kitchen.

What we are pleased was the tight schedule which was met perfectly as it was only about 10 days before Christmas where tradesmen would be extremely busy. We have announced our "open house" where all the church folks are invited for Christmas lunch. No kitchen, no lunch, simple.
We have heard many people telling us of their nightmare experiences when it comes to kitchen renovation in Australia as delays of many days or weeks are very common.
According to schedules, the kitchen guys came on a Thursday, demolish the old kitchen, started assembling the new one, with plumbers and electricians working together. By Friday, the kitchen was almost done, then the stonemason came and cut the stone top on Saturday, unfortunately,they broke a piece and had to rush back to their depot to get a replacement before it closes. The plasterer came even on Sunday morning to finish the bulkhead ceiling when we have to go out for church, we left the house to them and asked them to lock up after they finish.
Then Monday, the tiler came and do the splashback tiling. We decided against installing modern glass splash-back as it will be much dearer and may further delay the finishing date. All in all, the whole work only took from Thursday to Monday and by Tuesday, we are cooking in the new kitchen - this is a fantastic feat in Australia!
All this is able to be done because the kitchen company co-ordinate their own tradesmen like clockwork. We pay a little more for the tradesmen of course as we have no choice and no time in asking 2-3 quotes from the outside. If we were to engage our own tradesmen, there will certainly be delays as many would not even bother to turn-up to give you a quote, let alone turning up on time to do the work!
Many trades are involved in a simple kitchen installation in highly regulated building industry in Australia - eg the disconnection and reconnection of electrical, gas and water etc. need qualified tradesman with certificates. I can do it myself, but the insurance will not cover for it.
Of course, I did some of the handyman stuff like re-installing the rangehood, repainting the ceiling and walls etc.

Jon & Sarah chipped in to buy a new 480littres Samsung Fridge to replace our exceptional small and old fridge which has serve us for the past 20 over years!.

Below are pictures of the finished result.

 Baking Namyu "Red fermented beancurd" Duck in the oven

 New colour scheme

Jonathan's 25th

On March 5, Jonathan turned 25 years old or as he said a quarter of a century. Have you heard of quarter life crisis?
Anyway, we went out for dinner the next day, Sunday night 6th March as the scenic beach-front restaurant - "Donovans at St. Kilda." The place is famous for its unique home like deco and fine food.

The beach-front seats allow us to watch the sunset into the sea at the distant horizon. The food is obviously up-market in price. 
Our niece Wei Mann took many photos which we have shared in Facebook. I am re-posting a few shots here just to make it more interesting.

Donovans -Sunset reflected on external windows
 The Lounge area looks exactly like a home
 favourite dessert - bombe alaska
 Another homely photo at the end of our dinning table at Donavans
 Who would have thought this is taken in a restaurant?
Lamb rump with buttered baby peas, creamy mash and fashioned mint jelly
Linguine with seafood & Western Australian scampi
 Mum & kids
Crispy skin Barramundi with a summer stew of capsicum, fennel, saffron with mussels, prawns, scallops and fregola
golden fig pudding with warm honey custard
 The frantic commercial kitchen well hidden from view - what a contrast to the quiet, serene homely atmosphere at the dining area
Handmade ravioli of prawn & scallop with saffron & orange sauce
Carol, Jon and Sarah at beach front seat outside
Looks like a shot in a family home 
 Complimentary Bread & Butter
 "Freshly Caught?" Grilled Snapper
 Four Tastes appetizer
 Sunset at St Kilda Beach
 Nice wine glasses in Donovans
 The beach view after sunset

well lit beach front veranda

Faith Series

As I was preparing this Series of Messages on Faith from Hebrews 11, I came across the following blog "All for God's Glory"as I was researching about Enoch, the man in Gen 5:21-24 who walked God and was taken before his physical death. He is also the ancestor of Noah, which carries the lineage of the faithful.  I guess since it is so well written, I shall not re-invent the wheel...


Walking With God, Like Enoch

Walking with God. Impossible?

Enoch did it.

And when the LORD looked at Enoch's life, He decided that Enoch's walk was so good that Enoch needed to skip the pains of death and come on up to heaven. What was his life like? We must be able to learn some things from him.

Does Enoch have the hidden key that will unlock our understanding of walking with God?

Genesis 5:21-24 summarizes the high points of Enoch's life:

Enoch was 65 years old when he fathered Methuselah. And after the birth of Methuselah,Enoch walked with God 300 years and fathered other sons and daughters. So Enoch’s life lasted 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was not there because God took him.

Notice that the most significant events in Enoch's life included being the father to many sons and daughters, and walking with God.

The Hebrew word translated "walk" is הָלַךְ ("halak"). What is amazing about this word is that it describes the way Enoch walked with God. You might think this word describes some special pace set by Enoch, some special series of encounters, or something like that. Amazingly, however, this is the most common word that could have been used to describe a person walking. It's the word that describes how a boat goes across a lake, the way a biker rides his bike, the way any person goes anywhere, the way someone gets from here to there. Enoch simply walked with God.

A simple, steady walk with God.

And what did God think of Enoch's walk?

Hebrews 11:5-6 says,

By faith Enoch was taken away so he did not experience death, and he was not to be found because God took him away. For prior to his removal he was approved, since he had pleased God. Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.

God was pleased with Enoch's walk.

Here are four things that we learn from Hebrews 11:5-6 about Enoch's walk with God:

1. Walking with God is pleasing God. You want to please God? Walk with Him. Simple, steady, day after day, month after month, year after year.

2. Enoch had a testimony because of his walk with God. Enoch's walk gave him a story he could tell others. Sometimes we glamorize the extreme testimonies (for instance, when a drug addict turns to Jesus) but minimize the powerful testimony of someone who has walked with God all of their life. Let's celebrate with all of those who are walking with Jesus!

3. It is possible to please God! Without faith it is impossible to please God, but with faith it is possible.

4. Faith leads you to believe two things about God: 1) believe God exists, and 2) believe that He rewards those who seek Him. A person who walks with God will walk with Him during good days and bad days. You know God is always there. God exists. Also, you will seek Him. This Greek word ἐκζητέω (ekzeteo) means "to crave, to investigate." A person who walks with God craves a walk with Him, knowing that He rewards those who walk with Him with blessings that are out of this world!

Let me give you five suggestions for a simple, steady, powerful, life-changing walk with God.

1. Develop a daily routine of time alone with God. Build this into your daily schedule. It is that important. Read the Bible. Pray. Think. Reflect. Respond.

2. Keep your eyes open when you pray. It is fine to pray with your eyes closed, to help you block out the world's distractions. But when you walk with God, you better keep your eyes open when you're walking down the sidewalk.

3. Learn to apply the Word of God to your life. Here's an acrostic that may help you look for ways to apply Scriptures to your life. Look for a:

Sin to confess
Promise to keep
Attitude to change
Command to obey
Example to follow

4. Pray the Word of God. Read the Bible, and turn the Scriptures into a prayer to God. When you are saying God's Word back to Him as a prayer, you know it pleases Him. And it is best for you.

5. Don't say "amen." Too often, when we say "amen" at the end of our prayers, we are saying, "God, I'll see you later." And we forget about Him until we pray again. When you walk with God, you will learn to make your life a continual prayer to God. You'll never stop talking and listening to Him.

Walk with God, like Enoch. You'll experience heaven on earth.

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