Renewing Our minds Through Worship
I was reading through Chapter 6 of Steve Fry's book "Rekindle Flame - The Passionate Pursuit of God.
I can resonante with the opening pragraph which i will quote verbatim here......
Recently a young man asked me to summarise in one sentence the essence of Christian life. I raced through my mental files of principles and attitudes that could give him the bottom line he was looking for: worship, grace, humility.
How does one reduce the sublime to one sentence?
Then a Scripture came to me: "Enoch walked with God" (Gen 5:24). That's it! Simply walking with God!
Not merely having appointments with Him or just serving Him. Not racing to fulfill a mission or juggling a dozen priorities with the finese of an acrobat, but just walking in a moment-by-moment communion with our Beloved.
That seemed to sum it all up. And by the look of satisfaction on that young man's face, I could tell that by the grace of God I had hit the mark.
Communion with God is the joy of life. There simply is no other lasting satisfaction. I His embrace, all of life becomes an encounter with Him; every day is charted by the whispers of His voice; evry moment becomes a potential quiet time.
But many of us do not have quiet minds.They churn with apprenhensions. Like an ocean rolling in a hurricane, waves of fear crest and crash in our minds - memories of put-downs and brush-offs, the chorus of coaches, companions, and competitors we feel we have to please and answer to. Our thoughs are often held hostage by these emotional predatros, our inner life and fire drained- for we are prisoners of our memories...
But our Father in heaven promises to renew our minds, heal our hearts, and free us from the inner strongholds, which my friend Dan Sneed defines as "negative thought patterns that are so strongly etched on our minds, they govern our entire thinking process." All we need to do is make ourslves available to the artistry and ministry of His Holy Spirit....