Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Bay of Island Trip New Zealand 30/8 to 1/9 2011

Having posted the last post on my Gall Bladder removal via key hole operation, it has been 2-3 months that i have not posted in this blog.

I guess it is about time to move on to something more appealing and pleasant...

We made a trip to the North Island of NZ for our BOL conference for the weekend of 2nd till 4th Sep. So we flew in 2-3 days earlier, hired a little Hyundai Getz and took a drive to the North of Auckland which we have not ventured before.

Below are some of the shots taken...

 Fish Market At Auckland
 Hakuru Falls Near Paihia
 The famous "Hole in the Rock" our 100 seat catamaran drove through it!
One of the shots at one of the islands


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